Birthday Month - Day 4

Day 4 This is a much deeper topic then I am going to write about here but I have personally been on a journey for years and especially the past few months.  I was craving something, I needed something to changed, my biz and website needed a revamp (coming soon) and I needed more time with my family.  Just today JUST TODAY!!  Everything I have been seeking and trying to figured out has come to light.  It's not perfect or finalized but I now know exactly where I want to take my business + family life.  It feels so good to have a plan, to have an Oprah ahh haa moment. 

Your challenge today is this -> Write down what a day in your ideal life would look like in 2 years, how do you feel, where do you live, who is in your life?  If you send your thoughts and ideas into the universe and your subconscience, then your core desires will come to you.

Gabrielle Bernstein

Danielle LaPorte

Marie Forleo

Miss Day 3?


Birthday Month - Day 3

Do you take enough time to relax with a good tea, a book and soak in a bath?  I sure don't, when the kids are in bed I'm working.  I have decided I need more down time, so I grabbing a yummy tea, putting some doTerra Passion essential oil blend in my bath with Epson Salts, grabbing Big Magic from Elizabeth Gilbert and having a peaceful moment.  Challenge for you is, GRAB THE BOOK YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING TO DIVE INTO and YOUR FAVORITE CUP OF NIGHT TIME TEA.  {my youngest started to cry as I was typing he is fighting a cold, wish me luck with this bath}

Day 3

Miss day 1 or 2?

Birthday Month ~ Day 2

Day 2 Sometimes us women and mother's forget about our self or hope our partner's or husbands will read our minds and get us that beautiful gift.  If you have the funds buy it yourself, that being said sometimes the most beautiful things are free.  Like a walk alone, sipping warm tea and spending time reading a book curled up on your bed, or making a beautiful meal for your family or having a bath and putting make up on (and deodorant)....

Your challenge today is ...  DO or BUY SOMETHING THAT MAKES YOU FELL BEAUTIFUL OR SPECIALKnow this to be true, you are special and deserve something BEAUTIFUL! 

Miss Day 1?

Birthday Month ~ Day 1

Birthday MonthAppreciating Health Dots-2 I decided to celebrate ... myself.  Yup you read that correctly.  I have always loved birthday's but let's be honest 35, 36 and now 37 (November 27th) has a little sting to it.  Think about when you were in your late teens and your twenties, 37 was sooo old.  Well now I am almost there, I have two boys, a hubby, a home and a thriving business so I thought, suck it up butter cup let's celebrate ME and teach others to love yourself.   + over the next few months a new website and programs are going to roll out, it's time, it's time for a fresh look and vibe.  Because your Vibe Attracts your Tribe!!

Day 1 Birthday!!

I have been putting a lot on hold because I wasn't ready!  I wasn't the right weight, didn't have an updated kitchen (okay my kitchen is really dreadful), my house wasn't big enough, my website is having graphic & font issues, I can't find the time to do anything because I am a stay at home mom etc....   This is all true but really I was missing out on life, on all the things I have been working for because I didn't have it all.  I forgot this isn't a race, life is a journey and I need to live it NOW.  After my annual heart appointment this pass week it clicked, I am so blessed SO BLESSED and I need to live life, breath, relax and HAVE MORE FUN!!  My hubby and I need dates, we need more adult social events and more time together.  Also I decided to get new professional photos done... this is me now, this is my bod so why not capture it.  My soul hasn't changed, but my views on life have, my body has and I will always be growing and evolving

So my CHALLENGE to you is believe this -> YOU ARE PERFECT and WHOLE as you are RIGHT NOW!  So don't wait to try something new, to get pictures done and to enjoy your life in this moment.  I'd love to hear what you were putting off and what you are going to jump into head 1st right now?


picture of my taken by Soul Photo Junkie

graphic from