We have a Winner!!

Thank-you to all that entered the Foods for Healing giveaway, I picked a winner lastnight for a spot in the Foods for Healing programNaomi Epstein is the winner!!  Congratulations, you will be contacted soon with all the details!!

There is one week left to register for this fabulous program and you can still use the code "appreciatinghealth" to get 10%.off.

Also I have been busy here getting everything ready.... my website will be up soon and I will be seeing clients to help them achieve their health goals.  There will be special discounts for my 1st client's so stay tuned. 

Hope everyone is having a great Monday!

General Registration Is Open PLUS Extra Bonuses!!


General registration is now open for Foods for Healing ... get all the details here.    

We have some sweet presents for those of you who register before 7:00pm EST on Sunday.

If you register between now and 7:00pm on Sunday, you will also get these sweet and sasstastic very helpful bonuses:

Bonus 1: Immediately available for download: Audio lecture 10 Things I Learned Healing an Incurable Disease ($19.99 value)

Bonus 2: Immediately available for download: eBook Superfoods for Super Health ($39 value) and includes a complete meal plan.

Bonus 3: Exclusive access to join our the group coached call with Clinical Nutritionist Josh Gitalis and I on Thursday, November 22nd at 8:00pm (Normally only available to the deluxe packages)

Bonus 4: Immediate access to our brand shiny new PRIVATE ONLINE FORUM so you can start connecting with us and each other in a private, free and easy online space.

Okay then! Get on it: http://bit.ly/ffhregistration

Let's get our healing on! I can't wait for you to dive into this goodness!!!


p.s-> Registration is only open for 10 days. It will close on November 19th and the bonus goodies are only available this weekend.

Also a reminder there is still time to enter into the draw to win a free spot in this online course.  A new video about the program is up now for your viewing.  The winner will be announced on November 12th.

Also did you read the great guest post from Meghan?
 Here is a reminder how now enter!! 

There a few ways to enter, you will get an extra entry for each way you enter;



  1. Like my page on facebook and post a comment on the wall how you would benefit from this program.   
  2. Follow me on twitter at @AppreciatingHea and tell me how you would benefit from this program.
  3. Post a comment on this post below.
  4. Share this post on facebook and tag me for an entry. (need to share a post I will be able to see so I can give you an extra entry)
  5. If you do not have social media accounts you can simply e-mail (one entry per person) 

Remember just two more days to get your entries in and anyone can enter so again tell everyone. 


General registration will open on Friday!

That's right general registration will open on Friday, November 9th for the online course Foods for Healing... get all the details here

For those of you who sign up through me will receive 10% off whatever package you choose by using the code "appreciatinghealth", when you check out on Meghan's site.  Now is the time to start that awesome road to health, well starting Friday.  

Also a reminder there is still time to enter into the draw to win a free spot in this online course.  A new video about the program is up now for your viewing.

Here is a reminder how!! 

There a few ways to enter, you will get an extra entry for each way you enter;

  1. Like my page on facebook and post a comment on the wall how you would benefit from this program.   
  2. Follow me on twitter at @AppreciatingHea and tell me how you would benefit from this program.
  3. Post a comment on this post below.
  4. Share this post on facebook and tag me for an entry. (need to share a post I will be able to see so I can give you an extra entry)
  5. If you do not have social media accounts you can simply e-mail (one entry per person) 

Remember just one week to get your entries in and anyone can enter so again tell everyone. 

Foods For Healing GIVEAWAY!!

That's right folks what a great way to kick start your healing by getting this Foods For Healing online program for free!!  You heard me, Meghan and her team have been so kind to offer one of my readers a FREE online spot ($250 value) in her new online course.  

The contest for this spot opens today and will close November 12th, which is also when a winner will be announced.  So pass this amazing giveaway and healing opportunity to everyone you know, they will thank-you!! 

I have personally taken this course with Meghan a couple of years ago and it was amazing.  You do not have to be in the nutrition field to benefit, in fact those without nutrition background will benefit the most.  

Details about this amazing course are below.

There a few ways to enter, you will get an extra entry for each way you enter;

  1. Like my page on facebook and for an extra entry post a comment on the wall how you would benefit from this program.   
  2. Follow me on twitter at @AppreciatingHea and tell me how you would benefit from this program.
  3. Post a comment on this post below.
  4. Share this post on facebook and tag me for an extra entry
  5. If you do not have social media accounts you can simply e-mail (one entry per person) 

Remember just one week to get your entries in and anyone can enter so again tell everyone.  

Just one last thing, when registration opens on November 9th, whoever signs up through me will receive 10% of the program.  Sweet Right?  So stay tuned for the discount code.

Foods For Healing Course Details

1 in 5 North Americans suffer from serious digestive distress. Most of our modern health challenges have some level of inflammation involved. I personally, spent years suffering from serious digestive issues until, in 2006, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease.
I have heard from so many of you asking what I did, what I ate, how I healed, and then how I worked with my dad to help him kick cancer, and how I have worked with hundreds of clients to get them on their own health train.
I am thrilled to be able to share this information with you!  Foods For Healing is a course I began teaching here in my kitchen to groups of 20 at a time. As the demand grew, I couldn't stretch my kitchen any further and so we have created this unbelievable course.
We had people flying in from across North America to get to this workshop as there is currently nothing like it available.
This course will explain from start to finish the path of disease, how these imbalances can take over in our mind and body and then what you can do about it. The information included empowers you to take ownership over your health, and learn how with certain foods and specific nutrients, you can play an active role in your own healing- or simply in maintaining optimal health.
The course includes:

· Over two hours of lecture style teaching with images, diagrams, and incredibly easy to follow explanations.

· Accompanying handouts of the slides to follow along and take notes.

· Additional documentation offering detailed information on specific healing protocols.

· 8 cooking demonstration videos showing how you can put what I share in the lecture, into practice in your kitchen and in everyday eating.

· A full 7 day meal plan + over 30 recipes.

· A full transition plan to help ease your way into a foods for healing mind set.

· Options to upgrade and get consultations and amazing kitchen equipment.

· Completely secure access to all your course materials.

· Flexibility to watch the videos and download the print materials at your convenience.

· Lifetime access to the course materials.


This course is suitable for:

· Individuals dealing with everyday common/acute conditions like frequent colds/flues, PMS, headaches, low energy, insomnia etc.

· Individuals facing long term, chronic health challenges including inflammatory conditions like arthritis, asthma, IBS and IBD as well as heart disease or cancer.

· Individuals looking to build up their farm based medicine cabinet, looking for natural solutions to common health challenges.

· Natural health practitioners wanting therapeutic foods to play a more powerful role in your patient’s protocols.

· Students or recent graduates of nutrition programs who feel there was a healing foods component missing from the curriculum.

· Yoga teachers, osteopaths, chiropractors, trainers and other physical health experts looking to better support the progress of clients.


The Curriculum

This program literally covers the full spectrum of information including the physical aspects of health and disease, the emotional connection, and how food and lifestyle can play an important role in the healing. Divided into nine modules with a bonus section of “Tools”, the course materials has been broken down in easy to follow parts.
· Module 1: My story and how I healed.

· Module 2: Understanding the root of inflammation, food as medicine.

· Module 3: The role of the digestive system in total health, managing stress and it’s impact

· Module 4: Making the connection with food, conscious eating, assessing common dietary recommendations.

· Module 5: General guidelines for eating for health and healing, the universal approach to health.

· Module 6: Specific therapeutic foods for healing, dietary recommendations for the three stages of healing, specific nutrients for healing.

· Module 7: Lifestyle habits and natural solutions.

· Module 8: Healing beverages, therapeutics foods in practice, cooking demos

· Module 9: Healing meals, therapeutic foods in practice, cooking demos

· Tools: Meal plan, recipes, transition guideline.


Feedback From Past Programs
It is amazing how much nutrition information I absorbed in such little time. It wasn’t until I actually conducted my first workshop that I came to realize just how much of what Meghan taught us really sunk in. There were a few ingredients, processes and theories that Meghan talked about on a number of occasions that did NOT seem too repetitive, but DID build a great foundation of knowledge. She really introduced us to WHY certain foods are so good for us, breaking down the technical reasons in easy to understand ways. Her introduction of new key foods has changed my daily life completely; I eat better (and I already ate well), feel better, and cook better. I find myself regurgitating things Meghan taught me to others ALL THE TIME.
- Meghan Pearson

I just completed this course and it was an outstanding educational experience and completely life changing. 10 stars out of 5!! I highly recommend to those interested in taking their personal nutrition or health business to the next level.
- Sammie Kennedy, Founder/CEO Booty Camp Fitness

I loved the course. It really made me take that extra step in thinking about and preparing my meals and has made my week so much easier. I used to spend hours a day prepping meals but with the tid bits I took away from each module I have begun prepping everything on Sundays. I found the worksheets extremely useful and have printed them all out along with menu plans and put them in a binder. Although I knew a lot of the information already, my boyfriend watched every video with me and I think it helped get him on the same page when it comes to food preparation (which is extremely helpful!).  - Malakai Kirkpatrick

10 Things I Learned Healing an Incurable Disease



By Meghan Telpner

Five years ago I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, a condition that is commonly believed to have no cure. I was given the options of surgery and medication for the rest of my life, still without the potential of a cure. My doctor told me that diet would have no effect and that I would have to learn to live with it.

Not one to play by the rules, I decided to create my own. I chose a natural route that included meditation, yoga, acupuncture, rest, and a diet comprised of whole, unprocessed foods. Within one month I was symptom free and remain so five years on. I have since become certified as a nutritionist and run a cooking school in downtown Toronto. I am firm on the fact that getting sick was the greatest thing that ever happened to me, and getting well was the greatest adventure ever. This is what I learned healing from an incurable disease.

1. Take other opinions with a grain of salt. It is just an opinion and only our own opinions of ourselves and our current situation really matter. I received the opinion that I had an incurable disease and nothing I ate or did regarding my lifestyle would have an effect. I chose to trust my own opinion that this was not true. That has made all the difference.

2. Learn how to cook… really well. Prior to this experience I owned one cookbook called Help! My Apartment Has A Kitchen. Four years later, I own and operate a cooking school. I believed strongly, despite my doctor’s contradictory opinion, that a disease of the digestive tract would obviously be affected by what passed through it. It therefore became my mission to know exactly what I was eating and so I learned to cook from 100 percent whole ingredients. With all the processing happening in my own kitchen.

3. Yoga is more than twisting yourself into a pretzel. I used to be one of those before-work workout nut heads who rolled into the gym at 6:00 a.m., kicked my own bottom for an hour, and then raced off to work. When high-impact workouts were no longer an option, I turned to yoga. Yoga is a gazillion times harder than climbing a stair master or doing crunches until you want to puke—because it makes you actually look at yourself from the inside and realize some change has to happen.

4. Life may not always bring you sunshine and rainbows, but if you wait out the storm long enough, they always appear if you look for them. That’s all I have to say about that.

5. A cute outfit doesn’t mean much when you feel like total crappola. Great health makes you look (and feel) great—way more than high heels or manicured nails can.

6. Always, always, always trust your intuition. If you can’t hear it, that means your life is too noisy. Be still a little bit everyday and you will start to hear the voice, and over time you will learn to listen. And over even more time, you will learn that it is always right.

7. When you do something in your life that other people deem impossible in their life, you suddenly become  labelled “an inspiration.” I like that I inspire people but I don’t wake up every morning with the thought, I am going to inspire today! I just do what I do, because it feels right for me. Likewise, the people I find inspiring are just doing what seems right to them. I think this means that we all inspire others in our own way, just by being true to ourselves.

8. When something goes wrong in our body or in our mind – whether it be a disease, an injury, or a broken heart – “fighting” it doesn’t help us heal. It creates more resistance. When we can learn to feed and nourish and give ourselves what is needed to work with the challenge rather than against it, that is how we heal.

9. Vegetables are delicious. They used to make me gag. Then I learned I just didn’t like hard chunks of carrot in my salads. There are loads of other ways to enjoy carrots and loads of other vegetables I love to eat. I just had to get creative and explore the unknown.

10. I am better off happily creating than creating to be happy. We think that if we work now, even if we hate it, that the benefits or payoff will bring happiness to the future version of ourselves. When I think back five years to who I was dating, where I was working, and the life I thought I was working towards, it is definitely not what would make me happy today. Wouldn’t it be a waste of precious time to take on misery now and try to achieve something that is only serving to satisfy and bring joy to a future version of myself? I would end up disappointed for a good portion of my life.

Things can change in an instant, with a diagnosis, a disaster …  anything! The greatest gift we can offer ourselves is to wake up happy, excited about the day ahead, and go to bed pleased with the job that we did, accepting that the process itself is the outcome, and that we did our very best at every given moment.

Meghan Telpner

BIO: Meghan Telpner is a Toronto based nutritionista and sought after media personality thanks to her refreshingly humorous, engaging and real approach to healthy living. Her online cooking courses and health programs are improving the health of people around the world. Meghan’s book UnDiet, Eat Your Way to Vibrant Health will be released North America wide in April, 2013. Join Meghan’s community on twitter @MeghanTelpner, or on Facebook at Meghan Telpner Nutritionista. For more visit MeghanTelpner.com