Gluten & Egg Free Banana Muffins.

After our morning walk today my son (18 months) and I decided to bake some muffins.  Let me tell you he bakes like he is playing in a sand box so my kitchen and both of us are a mess.  This is also why there are no "in the process" pictures.  I used sorghum flour for this recipe, I love the taste and it is the closest in texture and taste to traditional wheat flour of any of the gluten-free flours.  You can use any flour you want though, brown rice, buckwheat (ground from raw groats is nice) or even almond.  I also choose sorghum because it is a little cheaper and baking with the wee one half of the ingredients are on the floor. 

[yumprint-recipe id='13']




3 Ingredients Cookie

It's been a busy week around here at Appreciating Health.  I had two meet and greets and met some lovely people and let them try a yummy smoothie.  recipe coming soon.  I also made some fantastic business connections that I will be telling you all about next Monday.  I'm so excited to tell you about it but better wait till everything is finalized, so next week it is. 

On to this week.  On Saturday we had my brother and his beautiful girlfriend over for dinner.  It wasn't till after dinner was over we realized we had no dessert so in 15 minutes from start to finish this is what we came up with.  You must see a theme here with me and desserts. 

[yumprint-recipe id='30']