Birthday Month ~ Day 1

Birthday MonthAppreciating Health Dots-2 I decided to celebrate ... myself.  Yup you read that correctly.  I have always loved birthday's but let's be honest 35, 36 and now 37 (November 27th) has a little sting to it.  Think about when you were in your late teens and your twenties, 37 was sooo old.  Well now I am almost there, I have two boys, a hubby, a home and a thriving business so I thought, suck it up butter cup let's celebrate ME and teach others to love yourself.   + over the next few months a new website and programs are going to roll out, it's time, it's time for a fresh look and vibe.  Because your Vibe Attracts your Tribe!!

Day 1 Birthday!!

I have been putting a lot on hold because I wasn't ready!  I wasn't the right weight, didn't have an updated kitchen (okay my kitchen is really dreadful), my house wasn't big enough, my website is having graphic & font issues, I can't find the time to do anything because I am a stay at home mom etc....   This is all true but really I was missing out on life, on all the things I have been working for because I didn't have it all.  I forgot this isn't a race, life is a journey and I need to live it NOW.  After my annual heart appointment this pass week it clicked, I am so blessed SO BLESSED and I need to live life, breath, relax and HAVE MORE FUN!!  My hubby and I need dates, we need more adult social events and more time together.  Also I decided to get new professional photos done... this is me now, this is my bod so why not capture it.  My soul hasn't changed, but my views on life have, my body has and I will always be growing and evolving

So my CHALLENGE to you is believe this -> YOU ARE PERFECT and WHOLE as you are RIGHT NOW!  So don't wait to try something new, to get pictures done and to enjoy your life in this moment.  I'd love to hear what you were putting off and what you are going to jump into head 1st right now?


picture of my taken by Soul Photo Junkie

graphic from

Healthy Eating with Kids - 3 Rules for Families

Family laughing around a good meal in kitchen

Something happens to many moms when their children reach the toddler years. Past struggles to control food consumption, and finding peace with your body, often peak. We may feel we still carry “baby weight” and the need to understand what “healthy eating” means becomes more important as we now control what goes into little mouths too. 

I find when I talk to moms who are at this stage, something interesting is at work: too often there is a discrepancy between what Mom is eating, and what Child is eating.  CLICK TO TWEET

For some women, this means placing a well-balanced healthy breakfast in front of their child, and then squirreling away in the corner of the kitchen to shove a croissant in their mouth before flying out the door (or skipping breakfast all together, or finding breakfast in the drive-thru). For others, it may mean letting the kids dine on processed chicken nuggets and fries, while sitting down to tuck into a salad and plain chicken breast (or this amazing meal). Does any of this sound familiar?

I have been guilty of it too, at one time or another, and that “guilt” brings me to this post. I want to set the record straight - eating healthy with kids is about healthy family eating. The best way to shed baby weight, and to teach your kids healthy eating habits, is to practice what you preach - and learn what to preach and practice!. And so here are 3 rules for healthy family eating.

Rule #1: Everyone eats the same meal.

Sometimes we think about following a special diet for ourselves, or trying a new recipe, but leaving the kids out of it. We think, “They’ll never eat this!” And so we don’t try. Instead, aim to make the same meal for everyone and don’t worry about being adventurous. Asking your kids to try new tastes and textures, at least one bite, is very healthy for them. If you constantly keep them in their comfort zone, they won’t learn to expand their palate. You can apply this rule at a restaurant too: kids menus reinforce this “You eat differently from me” mentality. Try sharing an entree with your child instead! I love this article for tips on introducing new foods to kids.

Rule #2: Everyone gets their own plate.

This sounds silly, but I have talked with moms who think they’ll just skip out on having lunch, and then find themselves eating their child’s leftovers. Or, after eating their own portion, moms will finish up their kid’s plates too. You should not eat your child’s leftovers, ever! CLICK TO TWEET This can lead to overeating and weight gain. Did you know there are 125 calories in that square of grilled cheese sandwich you finished for your son? You could have had an egg over bok choy for just a few more calories than that lonely bite! Spoon out a healthy portion for everyone in the family (this teaches your kids what healthy portions look like) and make sure to encourage each family member to stick to eating from their own plate. Boundaries are important in families, as is making each child feel like they have something just for them.

Rule #3: Aim for consistent meal and snack times.

Kids like consistency, and their tummies do too. You like consistency, even if you don’t always realize it, and your body will too. Avoid mindless snacking throughout the day, especially in front of the television, and aim to have conscious meals and snacks eaten while sitting down at a table (talking and connecting with your kids). Research suggests that children who eat meals with their parents, are less likely to be obese. You should also eat at intervals that ensure your blood sugar stays stable (especially important for breastfeeding moms!)

By applying these three rules for family eating, you can really start to nurture healthy attitutdes toward food, for every member of the family, mom included. The bottom line is balance: find your balance by eating mindfully, enjoying the knowledge and passion you are sharing with your kids, and taking time to think of everyone’s needs … yours are so important.


Stock photo from


Guest Post: 3 Ways to Get Kids to Eat Their Greens!!

eating greens Hello Everyone, I am really excited to bring you a guest post from a pretty special lady, real food blogger, mother and nutritionist Sarah Bester.  She really has an amazing way to make meal time fun, exciting and most importantly healthy, this all through her blog Kids Heart Real Food, workshops, one on one consultations in the Toronto area and through her yummy Smoothie E-Book.  She was also kind enough to feature me on her blog, where I talked about breastfeeding nutrition.  For today's post she talks about 3 Ways to Get Kids to Eat Their Greens!! Enjoy!

Appreciating Health Dots-2

Sarah Bester, Family Nutritionist and Real Food EducatorHi Appreciating Health readers!  My name is Sarah Bester and I’m a Family Nutritionist and Real Food Educator.  My mission is to prove to parents that kids really can learn to love and appreciate vegetables - and that it can be fun instead of a battle!  Similar to Kim, I offer nutritional counseling and real food education to moms-to-be, infants, kids and the entire family.  I also started a blog called Kids Heart Real Food, where I post kid-friendly recipes and simple strategies for making real food a part of every family's life.

Today I’m guest posting on Appreciating Health about a topic that I’m asked about often – how can I get my kids to eat their greens?

​We all know our kids should be eating more leafy greens right?  Spinach, kale, swiss chard, collard greens, and even fresh herbs such as basil, parsley and cilantro are some of the most nutrient dense foods out there. They contain disease-preventing antioxidants and phytonutrients that can help kids live a long and vibrant life - the darker the green, the better!

​Unfortunately, parents typically have a hard time getting their kids to eat anything green and leafy. The bitter taste does take some getting used ​to, and leafy greens are tough for ​younger​​ children to chew.

I'm here to convince you not to give up on leafy greens! It may take some time, but introducing these flavours when kids are young means they will be more likely to accept them as they get older.​

 ​To make sure that your youngster doesn’t miss out on the health benefits of leafy greens, ​​here are 3 easy ways to start introducing​ them into their diet:

1. Green Eggs

Even if your child is too young to read Dr. Seuss, they will still enjoy green eggs for breakfast. Simply use your blend​e​r​​ t​o blend fresh greens with raw eggs, and then cook the ​egg mixture as you would normally.  Your kids will be eating vegetables for breakfast, and they won’t really taste the difference. 

 ​2​. Pumped up Pesto

Why limit yourself to basil as the only green ingredient in pesto? Experiment with a variety of different leafy greens and herbs, such as kale, spinach, Swiss chard and cilantro. Your child will love this nutritionally charged pesto on everything from pasta to chicken, or used as a dip for crackers or fresh veggies.

The key to these recipes is to go slow. Start with a small amount of a mild leafy green (such as spinach) and continue to increase the amount each time you make it . Eventually you will be able to move on to stronger flavoured greens such as kale or collard greens.

 3. Green Smoothies​

Green smoothies have become quite popular, and for good reason. Mixing a handful of leafy greens in with a blend of fruit and other healthy add-ins is a great way to add a nutritional boost to your child’s diet, especially for busy ​parents.  And it tastes delicious too – making it a perfect meal or snack for kids who are resisting greens.  For some great green smoothie ideas (and some green-less ones too!) check out my 21 Day Smoothie Guide more details below.

​Remember - as tempting as it is, you should not be trying to "hide" the greens in your child's food.​ It's important to always be honest with kids when it comes to the food they are eating in order to establish healthy eating habits. Your kids may never ​​love all things green and leafy, but with time they can learn to accept them as a normal part of a varied diet and benefit from their superfood properties.   

And if you are looking for some inspiration in the green and leafy department, why not check out my recently published eBook?!  The 21-Day Smoothie Guide: An eBook to Jump Start your Smoothie Habit is a collection of 21 simple, healthy and delicious smoothie recipes to make it easy to introduce smoothies into your family’s routine.

The eBook is a collaboration between myself and 6 other holistic nutritionists and it will help strengthen your kids’ positive association with leafy greens.  Trust me, my son always helps make his smoothies and adding kale is just part of the process – he doesn’t even question it (despite the fact that right now he wouldn’t eat a pile of steamed kale – but I know that will happen eventually!)

You can purchase your copy by clicking on the picture below:

21 Day Smoothie Guide 

Happy Green Sipping!
